How true is that? Personally I attended a Wealth Mentors seminar and an eBay seminar before, simply just to satisfy my curiousity on what these 'gurus' are claiming. Blah blah blah.. they say this good lar.. that one se-bei-ho lar... at the end of the day, ask you to sign up for their 4-digit figure course, then throw a little gimmick by saying give you $X discount off lar...
It was interesting to hear what they have to offer, but too difficult to part with my precious money. Perhaps that if you are diligent enough to follow their 'guidance', you can make big, JUST like them. But being a typical skeptical Singaporean, we still do not believe money can be made so easily. So back to our daily lives and jobs....
As an IFA, we believe in another concept. Working hard for your money is the right thing to do, but making your money work harder for you, is even the 'right-ter' thing to do! Make sure that whatever insurance policies you had bought, whatever investment you had made, are done systematically and with the correct objectives in mind.
If you have doubts on what is your current financial status, do gimme a ring. I will be there to guide you with my professional knowledge in financial planning.
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