I dun know if this comes with age. How many times have you heard yourself saying.. "I should have done this 10yrs ago", OR "If only I had done that when I was in Uni or whatever", OR "If only I had done this this this...." etc.
In "UP"
What we are today is a combined result of many decisions we made in the past. And what we are in the future, is the result of many decisions we make today. Agree with me?
Have you considered how you want to lead your retirement years? Is it eating plain porridge and watching your plasma TV at home, play mahjong with kakis or stroll leisurely along your nearby park? Or will it be something more financially needy like travelling round the world with your loved ones... doing charitable work, or blah blah blah.... tai-tai lifestyle?
THINK again. Do you want to give yourself the options of a simple or moderate or luxurious lifestyle? Or simply wait and see what happens when you reach 50s or 60s... and says "...see how lar, things will work out by themselves"...
If you find yourself not saving regularly, and worse still, not using the appropriate instrument, beware! You do not want to end up 10 or 20yrs later and find yourself buying the wrong products for a different objective.
Do contact me @ 9876-0237 for a good financial review, or simply to have an idea what it takes to reach your goals and dreams. UP UP & AWAY!
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