Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Don't Fall for the Lure (29-Dec-09)

Most of us would at some point of time being approached by our financial advisers to invest your hard-earned CPF money into Unit Trust investment. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it can be disastrous if you end up with an unscrupulous one.

Yr CPF-OA account is earning you 2.5%p.a. (at the moment) while your CPF-SA is earning 4.0%p.a. (at the moment). Looking at the long term, as an IFA, I would also advise you to park some of your CPF-OA account into some good funds to enable your money to work harder for you. But before you invest, make sure yourself as a consumer knows what you are buying into.

Understand what kind of risks and returns you are exposed to. If someone offers you risk-free product with high returns, definitely something is very fishy. Remember, there is no free lunch in this world.

Key to Unit Trust investment is constantly reviewing with your reliable financial adviser and going forward with a strategy. If in doubt, pls contact me at 9876-0237 straight away.

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